Seduced by the Boss (Loving the Boss Book 1) Read online

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  It takes a few minutes for us to catch our breaths and then I feel him pull out. What is going to happen now? Is he going to give me a kiss and send me on my way? My insecurities come rushing to the surface, but I don’t need to worry because he lifts me and carries me to the bed. When he puts me down, he covers me with a sheet and then walks to the bathroom. After cleaning himself up he comes out and uses a cloth to clean me up, then after putting it into the laundry basket he climbs into bed behind me.

  “Now how about I get to see your face this time when you come,” he says as he kisses me.

  He climbs over me and kisses me again before moving down over my body kissing every inch on his way. I watch him as he takes my nipples into his mouth. When he glances up at me I can’t help but blush. I’ve not had time to process what has happened tonight. But just the thought of him taking me hard again has me on the verge of another orgasm.

  After the third round of hard-core sex, I feel myself drifting off. I know I have to go back to Cass, she looked like she needed me tonight. I need to find out what is going on with her. But, just an hour of sleep would be great before I do the walk of shame back to my hotel and my room. Everett pulls me into his body, wrapping his arms and leg around me.

  “Night, Saylor. You’re fucking amazing. So much better than my fantasies and they were freaking hot.” He kisses me on my cheek and then I feel him getting heavier as he falls asleep.

  I wake a couple of hours later with Everett wrapped around me still. I know I have to leave, I don’t want the awkwardness of the next morning to ruin what we had last night. Somehow, I manage to crawl out of his grasp and then I tiptoe back into the lounge area to grab my clothes. I put them on hastily before sneaking out of the room so that I go and see Cass. Before I leave, I take one last look at his sleeping form. The sheet is pulled down to his waist. Fuck, he’s gorgeous. I mentally take a picture of him, asleep, naked, and satiated before I feel tears pooling in my eyes. I know that this will never happen again. We can’t. He’s my boss.

  Hopefully what happened in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?

  Chapter Six

  I do the walk of shame down the Vegas strip as I make my way to my hotel. Tears streaming down my face, I never thought that things between Everett and I would ever take that direction. I was happy to keep it professional, keep him as being a jerk, the ass that treated me as his slave. But now, after last night, I’ve witnessed a different side to him. I know that I’m never going to be able to go back to just being Saylor, his assistant. Too many emotions are involved right now. I understand why everyone says to never sleep with your boss.

  It doesn't take me too long to get to the hotel. As soon as I'm outside the door to mine and Cassie's hotel room I wipe away the tears, not wanting her to know. Hell, I don't want anyone to know that I've made a huge mistake by sleeping with my boss. If Cassie finds out, I don't know what she will say.

  As soon as I open the door I'm shocked to find Cassie sitting on the sofa. When I close the door behind me, Cass turns to face me, her eyes widen as she takes me in. No doubt seeing my raccoon eyes, she doesn't say anything just turned back to stare at the TV.

  "I'm going to shower," I tell her as I walk past the couch.

  "Say, is everything okay?" she questions, her voice sounding hoarse.

  "Not really," I murmur. "I just need a shower and then I'll be okay." I promise her as I throw my cell and key card onto the table. "What are you doing up so early?" I question and finally look at her properly. I'm not the only one with raccoon eyes.

  She looks like shit, her eyes puffy and red, her hair a mess, she's still in the dress she was wearing last night.


  She shakes her head. Her top lip trembling. "Not yet," she whispers and I nod. Whatever it is, she's not ready to talk about just yet. I just hope that she is soon, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so heartbroken.

  Once I’m in the bathroom, I turn the shower on and strip down out of my clothes. As soon as the water begins to cascade down over me, I cry. I can’t believe how stupid I was. What the hell? I’ve never been so reckless. I love my job, I love working for Everett and now that could be ruined because of one amazing night.

  “Ready to talk about it yet?” I question as I take a seat beside her on the couch, she’s still not changed out of her dress, hell it doesn’t look as though she’s even moved from her spot.

  She doesn’t answer me, she stares at the TV. I’m not even sure if she’s watching it.

  I reach across and take her hand, “Cass, talk to me, what’s going on?”

  Finally her eyes drift toward mine, “Paul cheated on me.”

  I gasp and squeeze her hand. I hate him, I always have but I never thought he’d do this to her. Not in a million years. “Oh, Cass,” I whisper, unsure what to say to make her feel better. There’s nothing that I can say.

  She nods, her tears falling thick and fast. “We’re supposed to be getting married next month, Say. What do I tell everyone?”

  “You tell them that you had a lucky escape.”

  “I got a video sent to me last night from Tina.” She sneers the name, Tina is Paul’s ex. She’s hated Cass because of Paul and has tried everything in her power to try and end their relationship. Cass reaches for the table and picks up her cell. “At first I thought it was another one of her plans to prevent us marrying,” she whispers as she passes me her cell, the video ready to be played on the screen. “I soon realized how wrong I was. She took this last night. I bought Paul that shirt only two days ago.” She begins to weep again, this time she gets up off the couch and goes into the kitchen area.

  I hit play on the video and tears spring to my eyes as I watch Tina videoing herself and Paul going at it. I hate her for hurting Cassie so much. As much as I disliked Paul, Cass loved him and I would never ever disrespect him. However, now—that’s another story. Cass walks back toward me and I hit stop on the video, not wanting to upset her any further, besides I’ve seen enough.

  “Oh, it gets better,” she tells me, her voice full of venom. “Keep going,” she instructs. So, once again, I press play.

  “I can’t believe you’re going to marry that cow,” Tina’s whiny voice says.

  Paul laughs, “Told you baby, I need to marry her, she’s loaded. Once I get the money I need, I’ll be divorcing her frigid ass.”

  “Then we can finally be together!” Tina says excitedly.

  “Me being with Cass has never stopped us,” Paul replies making Tina laugh. “She thinks I have a weekly standing lunch date with my mom, along with the times that I play golf.” Their laughter makes my skin crawl, how dare they?

  “She’s a dumb bitch. Surely she should have realized that no one would want her?” Tina’s revelling in this, she knows that Cass was going to get this video, why would anyone be so vindictive? Sleeping with her fiancé isn't enough? She had to stick the knife in even deeper?

  Paul kisses her and they start touching each other. I shake my head in utter disgust. There’s no way that I can watch anymore, just seeing that bit that I had was more than enough.

  “Cass…” I say, but unsure where to go after that.

  She sucks in a deep breath. “It’s okay. Better to find out the truth now, rather than after we were married.”

  “Want me to kick him in the balls for you?” I ask with a smile.

  She laughs, “God, I love you, Say.”

  I pull her into my arms, “I love you too.”

  “What happened with you and Everett?” she questions, as we pull apart and I know that I have to tell her.

  “I slept with him.” She gasps, “It was amazing and I really want to do it again.”

  Her eyes widen, “How amazing?”

  I glance down at my fingers, “The best I’ve ever had. Hell, the best anyone’s ever had.”

  “Say!” She screams, “What the hell are you doing here? I’d have that man tied to the bed, or had him tie me.”

  When I look up at her, the tears are threatening once again. “Because it won’t work.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I shrug, “He’s my boss, Cass. He never said anything about wanting more than one night. Plus, he’s not called or messaged since I’ve been back. So it’s obvious that he was quite happy with the one night.”

  Her face pales as she glances at my cell, “Say,…”

  I cut her off not wanting to talk about it again. “What happened in Vegas stays here. We’ve one more day here and we’re going to get dressed up. We’re going to hit the strip, and we’re going to forget Everett and Paul ever existed.”

  I get to my feet, “Our cells are staying here.” I tell her, “We’re not going to be checking them every five seconds.”

  She nods, “Okay, Say,” she agrees softly.

  I smile at her, “Let’s get ready.”

  I watch as she walks toward the room, my eyes glance at the table, a part of me hoping that it’ll ring. Sighing at my patheticness, I turn and walk away.

  Everett Barrett is an asshole. I knew that before I came here and I certainly know it now.

  Chapter Seven


  “Zara!” Everett’s voice booms from his office and once again hurt and disappointment fills me. I don’t need this today, I’ve been feeling like crap for the past week.

  Zara smirks at me as she rushes from her desk towards his office, “Yes, sir,” she calls out, fixing her dress on the way.

  “Close the door,” he instructs her and I want to hide away.

  Since coming back from Vegas things have been awkward, to say the least. Everett doesn’t speak to me if he can help it. He goes to Zara now, she’s lapping up the attention. He acts as though I don’t exist and him treating me like this
is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. I’ve tried speaking to him but he tells me to get on with my job.

  When we came home from Vegas, Cassie immediately cancelled the wedding, and kicked Paul out of her house. She’s finally back on her feet and facing the world again. She hadn’t left her house in three weeks and I was worried, but she seems okay at the moment. I’m just happy that she was strong enough to kick that jerk to the curb.

  Reaching into my purse, I find the envelope I tucked in there this morning. Pulling it out, I caress it. I didn’t want it to come down to this. I’m not giving in just yet, but if things don’t improve, he’ll leave me with no other choice other than to give my notice. Cass has promised me that if I need to leave, that she’ll have a job waiting for me. It’s not what I want but it may be the only thing I can do.

  My phone rings and I quickly answer it, it’s Mr Matthewson.

  “How may I help you, sir?”

  “Saylor, I’ve tried emailing Zara, but it doesn’t seem to work. I've been expecting an important document for the past three days and I’ve yet to receive it. Everett’s told me that Zara was sending it. Please can you see what the hold-up is?”

  Crap. “Of course, if you can just hold on for a few moments, I can try and find out what’s going on. Please bear with me.” I put Mr Matthewson on hold and stand from my desk. Great, I have to enter the lion’s den. He’s not talking to me and Zara’s going to be pissed that I’m interrupting their ‘time together’. Knocking on Everett’s door, I wait for him to respond.

  The door opens and there he stands, dressed in his sharp tailored suit. He hasn’t shaved in a few days, as he’s getting a beard. He looks divine.

  “Yes?” he questions, his voice gruff and full of loathing.

  I straighten my spine. “Mr Everett,” I say with the same loathing, “I have Mr Matthewson on hold, he’s wondering where the document is that you told him was coming three days ago?” I have no idea what documents he wants, I’ve not been privy to the information.

  Everett’s gaze moves quickly to Zara, “You were supposed to have sent him that file three days ago.” He practically screams at her.

  Her face pales. “I...I...Did,” she stammers before turning to glare at me.

  “Then where the hell is it?” Everett demands. “If you had sent it, he would have received it. Tell me, Zara, are you really that incompetent?”

  Oh, here we go again! He blames her when he knows how much of a screw up she is. “Saylor, find that document and send it to him.”

  I blink, “Um…”

  “Just do it,” he demands, not even looking at me.

  “Excuse you?” I say, placing my hands on my hips, I’m pissed.

  He turns to face me, his eyebrow raised, almost as if he’s daring me to argue with him.

  “Problem?” he questions.

  Oh, he’s an ass! “Yes, I have several, but shall I start with the one at hand?”

  He smirks at me, “Oh, please enlighten me.”


  “Well, Mr Barrett,” I sneer. “I would send Mr Matthewson the document, if I knew what document I was even looking for.”

  His eyes narrow, “What do you mean?”

  I shrug, “I have no idea what document you and Mr Matthewson are talking about.”

  “I told Zara to tell you.”

  I roll my eyes, “That was your second mistake. She doesn’t tell me anything.”

  His lips twitch, “Second?”

  “I was being generous, you’ve made plenty more than that. But I’ll digress. Anyway, you want me to find your document, you’re going to have to be specific, half the damn building’s out with the flu. So, if I’m going to find it, I need you to tell me what it is.”

  He smirks, “It’s just a document, Saylor.”

  “Fine, it’s probably lying on Zara’s desk anyway,” I mutter to myself as I turn away. At least he didn’t jump down my throat, I guess that’s a positive.

  Just as I thought, sitting at the bottom of the stack of files is the document that Mr Matthewson was looking for, it’s their yearly plan for what they plan to do with the mall they’ve just bought. I quickly scan it and then upload it to my computer. Picking up the phone, I quickly take Mr Matthewson off of hold.

  “Mr Matthewson, I’m really sorry about the wait.”

  “It’s okay, Saylor, please tell me that you have it?”

  I smile, “I do, I’m sending you an email now. Again, I’m sorry.”

  “Please don’t apologize, it’s not your fault.”

  I click send and sigh with relief, “That’s sent now. Have a wonderful weekend.”

  “Thank you, and you too, Saylor, you deserve it.”

  I place the phone back into the holder and finish doing the things I need to do, it’s 4:55pm. I’ve five minutes before I’m finished and I’m absolutely drained. As soon as I get home, all I want to do is fall into my bed and sleep straight through until Monday.

  Zara and Everett come out of his office just as I’m putting my jacket on, Zara doesn’t look very pleased, in fact she looks as though she’s been crying. I really hope he’s fired her. She’s useless. Then again, he wouldn’t want to upset his mom, she’d be furious if he did.

  “You’re leaving already?” Everett questions.

  I reach for my purse, “Yes, it’s five. My contract states that I work between the hours of nine to five.” I give him a little smile, yes I’m being petty but he’s been an ass. “Besides, I feel like crap, so I’m going home. I’ll see you on Monday. Have a good weekend.” I turn on my heel and walk toward the elevator. Glad to have a weekend without thinking about Everett and his asshole-ishness.

  Chapter Eight

  “Morning sunshine!” Cassie calls out as she walks into my apartment.

  I groan as another wave of nausea hits me. I’ve already thrown up this morning, I really don’t want to do it again.

  “Say? Are you okay?” she questions as she crouches down beside me.

  “Yeah, the flu’s been making its way around the office. I guess it’s finally hit me.” I heave as once again I throw up.

  “Oh, Say,” she says softly as she rubs my back. “Can I get you anything?” she asks handing me a tissue.

  I sit back and breathe through my nose, not wanting the nausea to hit again. When it’s finally subsided and I’m able to move without fear of vomiting, I get to my feet.

  “What are you doing here?” I glance down and see that I’m still in my pyjamas. I really should take a shower.

  Glancing at Cass, I see she’s wearing a tight fitting blue dress, her makeup is done, and she’s wearing six inch heels. “Where are you going?”

  She sighs as she follows me out of the bathroom and toward the kitchen. “Mom’s set me up with a date. I think it’s too early. I was hoping that you’d come with me. But that’s not going to happen, you’d be throwing up over the poor guy.”

  I smirk, “What a way to break the ice!”

  She laughs, “Yeah, but as much as I don’t want to go, I do.”

  I reach for the countertop as I become clammy, I take deep breaths. “What does that even mean?”

  She takes a seat at the island and looks at me. “I don’t want to go because I think it’s too early. Not only that, but I’m pretty sure I’m still in love with Paul.”

  My heart breaks a little at her words. “Ah, Cass. That’s to be expected. You spent years loving him, no matter what people say, you can’t switch off your feelings that quickly.”

  “He hurt me, Say, more than anyone ever has.”

  I lean on the counter, trying to look like I’m comfortable, but all I want to do is lay down on the cold floor in the bathroom, close to the toilet. I’m desperate to take a sip of water, I feel dehydrated, but I know from earlier experience that taking even a sip will mean a sprint across the kitchen.

  “Cass, it’s going to take a while for you to get over him. Every time you think you love him just remember his white ass moving up and down over Tina.”

  “Oh God, Say. I can’t believe you just said that. I think I want to run to the toilet and vomit now.” It takes a few seconds and then she starts laughing.